Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25 and 26, 2025

Shepherd’s House
Chattanooga, TN

Learn how Gospel-Integrated Marriage Classes can transform your Marriage:

Want to enjoy a divorce-proof life-time marriage?  Register for these fantastic gospel-integrated classes that will transform your marriage and family.  All classes are complementary and both spouses should attend if possible for best results.  Dinner will be served and there will be two classes per night.  Monthly classes will be posted as they are scheduled. Click the Info/Register button for more details.

Thursday, March 27, 2025

North River Bible Baptist Church
Chattanooga, TN

Couple’s Certification Training

We can certify couples who are interested in working with couples.
The upcoming Certification Training dates are Tuesday, March 25 and Wednesday, March 26 from 5:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. This 2-day split class will meet in the Chattanooga Room in the Shepherd’s House on the campus of Silverdale Baptist Church, 7236 Bonny Oaks Drive, 37421.
Call 423-838-5054 to schedule training date or Register by clicking the “Register” button.

Friday, April 11, 2025 to Sunday, April 13, 2025

Cedine Ministries
Spring City, TN

All Expense-Paid Marriage Retreat 

Tired of fighting for a lifetime marriage?  About to give up? Let the HCMI help you transform your marriage.  Call us today at 423 654 8109 and see if you qualify for this all-expense-paid Marriage Retreat April 11th - 13th.  Registrations are limited to 10 couples.  First Come First Serve!

  • Presenter: Dr. Clarence Shuler

  • Couples’ Retreat

  • Cedine Ministries 333 Cedine Camp Road
    Spring City, TN  37381-6132

Couples who want a scholarship to the Cedine Couple’s Retreat must contact us at: 423-654-8109, or email us directly at: Rosalynhickman.hcmi@gmail.com. You may text us at 423-838-5054.

Others who wish only to register to attend may do so by clicking the “Register” button.

Couples Retreat

To Invest In Your Marriage, April 11-13, 2025


Research shows the breakdown of marriage equals the breakdown of family.

When we invest in our marriages we create a ripple effect.

Cedline Coupls Retreat 4-11-13, 2025

Fighting for your Marriage Couples Retreat - click on the image to register at cedline.org or Click here to register from this website (HCMI) or, call us at 423-838-5054

Certification Training

Certification Training

We can certify couples who are interested in working with couples.

Thank you for your interest and inquiries for Marital-related  credentials. As promised, I have scheduled the Prepare/Enrich Facilitator's Certification Training for you and others who are interested. The upcoming Certification Training dates are Tuesday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 26th from 5:30 pm till 8:30 pm. This 2-day split class will meet in the Chattanooga Room in the Shepherd’s House on the campus of Silverdale Baptist Church, 7236 Bonny Oaks Drive, 37421. Call 423-838-5054 to schedule training date or fill out the form below.

Please fill out the form to register or call 423-838-5054.

The discounted registration fees  are listed below:

  • Individual monthly supporters:  $199 per couple

  • Couples from Covenant Keypers' monthly supporting churches: $199 per couple.

  • Couples from non-monthly supporting churches:  $225 per couple.

Non-church members:

  • $299 per couple.

To register, please confirm that you will attend and include your address and Church name. I will followup for your payment information and other additional information needed.  

Please confirm your attendance by March 1st so I can order all the manuals at one time.

Date Night Movies

Your marriage is worth the investment 

Help make a difference in your community

  • Take a few moments during morning worship to promote and celebrate life-time God-healthy marriages.

  • Celebrate on Marriage Recognition Sunday, February 9th, 2025!

  • Win great prizes just for participating including $100 cash!

  • Tell your "Footprints of a God-healthy Marriage" story and get a complimentary all-expense-paid registration to a 3-day Marriage Retreat, Cedine Ministries

5 Interesting Facts About Marriage In America

  1. Trust is paramount - Couples name trust as the most crucial element for a happy marriage over sex, compatibility, friendship, and forgiveness.

  2. Similar average costs - The cost of an average wedding is $20,000, and the cost of an average divorce is $20,000.

  3. Partners from an affair - About 75% of people who marry partners that they had an affair with divorce eventually.

  4. Brief couple time - Due to busy schedules with work, family, and life, the average married couple spends just four minutes alone together on a day.

  5. Gold wedding rings - In the United States, about 17 tons of gold are made into wedding rings annually.

This is how the church makes marriage relevant in the church again!

Marriage Recognition Sunday reaches across Tennessee Lines. Enjoy this video from one of the many churches that celebrated Biblical Marriage on Marriage Recognition Sunday in front of the young people and the entire congregation. 

Thank you Pastor and Sister Samuel Jackson and First Missionary Baptist Church in Alabama.  You are entered in the MRS Thank-You Drawing!

If you have not already, send in your pictures and videos and programs and we will share your celebration on all of the CK Media Platforms and enter your church name in the MRS thank-you drawing.

Chattanooga Weekend to Remember

        Marriage Retreat is coming!         

                 September 12-14, 2025                    

             Chattanooga Convention Center               

    Details coming soon!


  • Crime

  • Domestic violence

  • Substance abuse

  • Poverty

  • Teen pregnancy

  • Juvenile delinquency

  • Suicide risk



  • Wealth / potential earnings

  • Physical and emotional health

  • Life expectancy

  • Couples satisfaction

  • Relationships with children

  • Overall outcomes for children

Register to qualify for a complimentary

"Prepare/Enrich" Assessment





We Are Here for You

You have enough on your plate. Through careful approach and thoughtful research, we’ve compiled local and national resources to help you strengthen your connection. Contact us for help.

There is hope and we are here to help.



Dr. Clarence Shuler is an author, marriage counselor, speaker, and life & relationship coach. He is President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships. For nearly 35 years, Dr. Shuler has conducted marriage and single seminars internationally. Recently, Dr. Shuler was a marriage expert on Oprah Winfrey’s Love Goals reality show. Click Here to see his Book Selection